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Galleries PRO
Yes, I remember them and they are currently on a list with 147 other ideas and requests which I try to implement in the best way into the new gallery system Wink

It'll be a hard job to get the most out of it while keeping simplicity and performance at it's best.
Forum Admin
Well I am happy to help in way that I can, just let me know.
Hey Lennart, Galleries Pro was working fine, but when trying to upload photos to a gallery this notice is dsisplayed at the top of the page:

You are not allowed to see code.

I've narrowed the cause of the notice down to this WHILE clause on line 17 of edit.php.

You are not allowed to see code.

The code on lines 565-567 of class_error.php are:
You are not allowed to see code.

And placing: error_reporting (E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE); in either edit.php or class_error.php does not eliminate the notice.

Any idea why and how to fix?
well, I have my Gallery up I can type the text for the title and description however, wehn I click the link to upload a photo... I get a white screen and that's it... nothing... I changed the CHMod to 777 and also tried 755 but to no avail... I'm clueless??

I also did the optional editting which they are working properly. I just can't upload any pictures Please Help. Thank you in Advance! Smile
The upload problem should be fixed in the new version, for the current one check this thread, it should be allright.

@Mark: I didn't see your post, I am very sorry!
Is the error fixed now?
Forum Admin
Just curious when you expect to have the new version released... and in the meantime I'll browse this thread to find my fix, Thanks!! Smile
Nope I'm still gettig the error. What's strange is that I have a practice forum that I have setup to test mods out before incorporating them into the live forum, and I do not get the notices on that forum.

I copied the gallery files over from that forum, as well as class.error.php, set the same permissions and still get the error.

Any thoughts on what might be causing it, or how to suppress it?
I can't promise release dates so I won't set any...

@Mark: That's really weird, never saw that error before.
But as it is not an error but a notice you should maybe turn the error handling down, so it won't stop at notices. I guess your "practice forum" has a lower handler and won't stop to notice something. You should be able to set this in php.ini I think.
Forum Admin
Well, I have a dedicated server and php settings are server wide, so I don't think that's the issue. But, I even tried turning off notices in php.ini server wide, and that didn't stop them.

I also removed the While clause and array and the images post fine and the initial notices dissapear, but after submitting I get the notices in the body of the page, as shown in the image.

I have tried adding a php.ini file in public_html to turn off notices, as well as adding an .htaccess file to the galleries directory turning off notices and errors, but nothing works.

Very strange, any thoughts?

No thoughts, sorry... that is a really strange problem. Do you have any plugins installed that could cause trouble there?
Forum Admin

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